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Elizabeth Goss-Sharp 'Dash' the Lurcher

Elizabeth Goss-Sharp 'Monty' the Bassett Hound

Elizabeth Goss-Sharp 'Sonny' the Spaniel

Elizabeth Goss-Sharp 'Zaa Zaa' the Pomeranian

Art Industrial Adams | LSWR | 02 Class | 0-4-4 T

Art Industrial Adams | LSWR | G6 Class | 0-6-0 T

Art Industrial Adams | LSWR | G6 Class | 0-6-0T

Art Industrial Airship

Art Industrial Aspinall | L&YR | 27 Class | 0-6-0

Art Industrial Blenkinsop | 'Rack Locomotive'

Art Industrial Carbon Arc Cine Projector

Art Industrial Colliery Engine | No.1

Art Industrial Colliery Engine | No.2

Art Industrial Colliery Engine | No.3

Art Industrial Filament Light Bulb

Art Industrial Hedley | 'Puffing Billy'

Art Industrial Holmes | LNER | J83 NBR D Class | 0-6-0 T

Art Industrial McConnell | LNWR | Wolverton 'Bloomer' | 2-2-2

Art Industrial Relief Printing Press

Art Industrial Stanier | LMS 'Princess Royal' Class | 4-6-2

Art Industrial Stephenson | 'Locomotion No.1'

Art Industrial Trevithick | 'Catch Me Who Can'

Art Industrial Watt | Beam Engine

Art Industrial Worsdell | NER | J26 P2 Class | 0-6-0

Elizabeth Goss-Sharp 'Florrie' the Lop-Eared Rabbit